Our Specialty

Our specialty is providing full-time, on-site fundraising counsel for non-profit organizations. Our full-time approach combines personal attention and a proven method of successful fundraising. The WD&R Director relocates to your community for the duration of the campaign and provides you with full-time access to our expertise and guidance. Meetings are planned to meet the schedule of your volunteers, problems are addressed immediately, extensive coaching of campaign workers is provided, campaign progress is monitored closely, preparation of campaign materials are designed on-site for the approval of the client and weekly progress reports are submitted to the appropriate leaders.

What does full-time really mean?

Full-time service is highly recommended when the client does not have the staff to adequately dedicate full-time support to the fundraising effort……
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Our services include:

  • Preliminary Analysis
  • Pre-campaign planning
  • Readiness Assessment / Feasibility Study
  • On-site campaign direction
  • Post- campaign counseling


If you would like to discuss the fundraising needs and potential of your organization, we invite you to contact us. After reviewing various elements, including constituencies, leadership and needs, a practical plan of action can be outlined. This procedure is without cost or obligation.


Pre-Campaign planning begins once Ward, Dreshman & Reinhardt has been selected as your campaign partner. The primary focus of the pre-campaign planning is on the Readiness Assessment, accomplishments that will be achieved during the planning, the selection of members who are to play key roles in the Readiness Assessment interviews and focus group meetings, development of materials to be used during the Readiness Assessment functions, and communications regarding those functions.


A pre-campaign Readiness Assessment, sometimes referred to as a Feasibility Study lays the groundwork for the campaign. The Readiness Assessment provides essential information regarding your readiness to conduct a campaign. It is an opportunity for prospective donors to become knowledgeable about the proposed project and participate in developing the plan. This process is designed to involve business and community leaders and create ownership in the proposed plans necessary for a successful campaign…….. Read More


Ward, Dreshman & Reinhardt provides full-time, on-site campaign direction to our clients. We assign a WD&R Director to work side by side with your organization for the length of the contract. The Director will assist you in laying out the initial plans and monitor the program progress. Due to the unique full-time, on-site nature of our Directors, our clients benefit from the personal attention and expertise of our skilled staff…… Read More


At the conclusion of our resident service, all records and documents pertaining to the campaign belong to your organization and are left for your reference and records. Based upon past experience, our Director will design an effective collection and follow-up program. These plans will assure minimum pledge-payment shrinkage, and will maintain interest and support of the many members who worked on and contributed to the campaign. We maintain contact with leaders of your organization throughout the pledge payment period.

Contact Us Anytime At:


Virginia Office
10001 Georgetown Pike #462
Great Falls, Virginia 22066

Illinois Office
180 N. Stetson St., Suite 3500
Chicago, Illinois 60601

California Office
1800 Century Park East, Suite 600
Los Angeles, California 90067

Toronto Office
1920 Yonge Street, Suite 200
Ontario, Toronto M4S 3E2